UCSB MCC Event Request Form

In an attempt to better fulfill the mission statement of the UCSB MultiCultural Center, the 2020-2021 MCC Programming Team for the center has decided to create a form for members of our campus community to request specific speakers, presenters, and artisans. Filling out this form does not guarantee the request will be fulfilled but the programming team shall consider all entrees when crafting the following quarter's event schedule.

Click here to fill out the form.

" [...] to facilitate the retention and recruitment of students of color and to combat institutional racism and ethnocentrism. These aims were to be realized in part through educational programming, which would promote changes in attitudes and behaviors throughout the campus community."

Link to the full mission statement of the MCC: https://mcc.sa.ucsb.edu/about#mission

If you or your organization have any questions or comments on the request process please contact the Programming Team at:

Programming Coordinator: Bella Restrepo (icrestrepo@ucsb.edu)
Programming Assistant: Diego Barragan (diego_barragan@ucsb.edu)
Programming Assistant: Rose Hoang (rosehoang@ucsb.edu)
Programming Assistant: Clarens Simon (c_simon@ucsb.edu)
Programming Assistant: Esme Quintero-Cubillan (esmeraldaquintero@ucsb.edu)

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