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An Evening of Music from Zimbabwe with Thomas Mapfumo and the Blacks Unlimited
In the 1970s, during Zimbabwe’s war of independence against their white Rhodesian rulers, Thomas Mapfumo, often called theLion of Zimbabwe, created the chimurenga (the Shona word for 'revolutionary struggle'). This unique style combines the Zezurumbira, a 22-pronged, wood and iron lamellophone used in ceremonies to summon the spirits of dead ancestors, with western instruments such as electric guitars, bass, and trap drums, and a political message full of innuendo and traditional proverbs.
Co-sponsored by the Mbanefo Foundation Fund of UCSB. Tickets $5 UCSB students/$15 general. Contact the A.S Ticket Office at 805-893-2064. Limited seating.

Race Matters Series
Restorative Justice: What’s Race Got to Do with It? Fania E. Davis
In this discussion, Fania E. Davis, Director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, will focus on the contemporary U.S. restorative justice movement and race. Are some of the historical roots of the restorative justice movement found in the civil rights movement or is it a thing apart? Why has so much been written about restorative justice yet virtually nothing having to do with race? Does this new – but ancient – paradigm of justice that privileges healing over punitive responses to wrongdoing have the potential to push back the “New Jim Crow” and render mass incarceration (particularly of African American males) obsolete? If not, why not? If so, how so, and what are the challenges and potential pitfalls? Co-sponsored by the Center for Black Studies Research, City at Peace, and the Department of Black Studies.

Cup of Culture – Meet the Filmmaker
AUTUMN GEM: A Documentary on Modern China's First Feminist
Meet the 'Chinese Joan of Arc,' Qiu Jin (1875 - 1907), radical feminist and leader of a revolutionary army that attempted to overthrow the corrupt Qing Dynasty. Qiu Jin boldly challenged traditional gender roles and emerged as a national heroine who is celebrated in China today. Discussion with filmmakers Rae Chang and Adam Tow following the screening. Co-sponsored by the East Asia Center and PIRE-ECCI (The Partnership in International Research and Education in Electron Chemistry and Catalysis at Interfaces). Chang and Tow, 56 min., English and Chinese with English subtitles, 2009, USA.

MCC in I.V.
Boombox Orchestra
Rooted in underground culture, Boombox Orchestra is a live Hip Hop band infused with frenetic funk and a rock'n roll attitude. Conversant in the idioms of hip hop, funk, rock, blues and reggae, the group creates a unique sonic experience.