Events By Quarter
Cup of Culture Series
Just Mercy
Film Screening/Online
After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or those not afforded proper representation. One of his first cases is that of Walter McMillian, who is sentenced to die in 1987 for the murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite evidence proving his innocence. In the years that follow, Stevenson encounters racism and legal and political maneuverings as he tirelessly fights for McMillian's life. 2h 17m
Spoken Word
POSTPONED - Reclamation And Resistance: An Evening of Poetry
Denice Frohman
Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been postponed.
Please check back to the MCC's website and social media for a rescheduled date.
Denice Frohman is a poet, performer, and educator from New York City. A CantoMundo Fellow, she’s received residencies and awards from the National Association of Latino Arts & Cultures, Leeway Foundation, Blue Mountain Center, and Millay Colony. Her work has appeared in Nepantla: An Anthology for Queer Poets of Color, What Saves Us: Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump, ESPNW, and elsewhere. A former Women of the World Poetry Slam Champion, she’s performed on national and international stages from The White House to The Apollo, and over 200 colleges and universities. She co-organizes #PoetsforPuertoRico and lives in Philadelphia.
MCC in I.V
Open Mic and An Evening of Self Expression
The MCC hosts a quarterly open mic for anyone to artistically express themselves using all creative outlets including spoken word, poetry, music, and dance. All are welcome to attend and participate!