Events By Quarter

Art Exhibition
Malik Seneferu: From the Hill and Beyond
MCC Lounge
Malik Seneferu is an American conceptual artist and painter whose work explores race, identity, politics, spirituality, and adolescence. Employing intense color, he engages in magical realism with other works from the visual arts, literature, and history, as well as his own life. From the Hill and Beyond draws on Seneferu’s experience of leaving San Francisco’s Bayview-Hunters Point community where he began his career, and his travels in Kenya where he explored his roots among the Kamba people of Machakos.
There will also be an Opening Reception for the artist in MCC Lounge: Tues, Feb 2, 6 pm. Open to all.

Cup of Culture
Shake the Dust
MCC Theater
From executive producer and rapper Nasir “Nas” Jones and director Adam Sjöberg, Shake the Dust chronicles the influence of breakdancing, exploring how it strikes a resonant chord in the slums, favelas and ghettos of the world and far beyond. Showcasing some of the most jaw-dropping breakdancing moves ever committed to film, Shake the Dust is an inspiring tribute to the uplifting power of music and movement. Associate Professor of English, Stephanie Batiste, will lead a post-film discussion. UCSBreakin’ dance group will perform following the film. (84 min, English, 2015)
Watch the trailer:

The MCC in Santa Barbara
An Evening of Spoken Word: Bex Kwan
Coffee Cat, 1201 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara
Bex Kwan is a queer/trans chinese-singaporean multimedia artist who works in words, food, installation, image, and movement. Their creative practice asks questions about family, faith, domestic labor, race, migration, and tenderness. Bex uses performance as an intervention on political and personal complicity, creating gentle moments where people direct their attention inward and consider the heaviness that they have been trying not to carry. Bex has been invited to present at theaters/galleries/universities in Singapore and the US, and is based out of Brooklyn, New York.

Cup of Culture
Meet the Patels
MCC Theater
'A lively and engaging universal story made with an unmistakable sense of fun. ” – Los Angeles Times
This laugh-out-loud real life romantic comedy about Ravi Patel, an almost-30-year-old Indian-American who enters a love triangle between the woman of his dreams and his parents, began as a documentary and ended up a hilarious and heartwarming film that reveals how love is a family affair. (88 min, English, 2014)
Watch the trailer: