In this talk, Dr. Samuels will discuss her research on white middle class cultural norms as they relate to campus sexual misconduct and assault policies. With their historic emphasis on response actions like contacting law enforcement, these policies have presented, and continue to present, various binds for Black, indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) students. Dr. Samuels argues a race-conscious approach to campus sexual assault prevention and response, particularly within predominantly white institutions (PWIs), is vital for the creation of policies that adequately account for the needs and concerns of all students.
Dr. Carrie Samuels is an award-winning scholar and author on campus sexual violence. Her expertise is specifically located in the application of feminist critical discourse theory, queer theory, and critical race theory to the epidemic of rape and sexual assault occurring on campuses across the U.S. Dr. Samuels received her PhD in educational leadership and research from Louisiana State University. She lives in Portland, OR with her family, and currently serves as Deputy Director of Mission & Culture for the Cascade AIDS Project.
Co-sponsor: Women’s Center