Closing Art Reception: Love Will Heal Us

Miles Regis
Miles Love Will Heal Us
Thu, Apr 14, 6:00 PM
MCC Lounge & Gallery


Artist Miles Regis’ profound messages of love and unity provide inspiration in all aspects of life. Regis’ work seduces his audience to look deeper where one uncovers undoubtedly poignant messages in every piece. The simplicity of black and white structure, starkly juxtaposed with the complex dimensions of color, seamlessly reflect our struggle, strength and triumph. His art is a reflection of our truth.


Based in Los Angeles, Miles Regis is a Trinidadian-born artist whose work taps into the emotion and experiences of exotic cultures around the world and presents them in ways that are relevant to today’s modernized societies. Over the years, the USC graduate has honed a technique that incorporates drip painting and collage work that is both unique and striking. With a style reminiscent of many of history’s great master painters, Miles' imagination is saturated with notions, ideas, and images reflective of a world filled with conflicting interests.

Miles’ work consists mainly of oversized canvases, often stretching up to twelve feet in length and/or height. In addition to the larger pieces, the artist also finds himself drawn to medium sized canvas, linens, diptychs, triptychs and objects like cell phone cases, clothing and fashion accessories, recycled denim, newspapers and most recently digital 3D. While serious collectors can find themselves caught in a whirlwind of themes and series he has developed over the years, selections of his work are also available in print.

His cultural duality and diverse perspectives play a large role in the humanistic consciousness he manages to present in his work. With broad enthusiast appeal, his work is in the permanent collection of Intel Corporation, California African American Museum, Senegal's La Musee Borindar and has appeared in association with CNN, Art Basel Miami, The Coachella Music and Art Festival, CCH Pounder (Avatar, The Shield), Million Dollar Listing, American Rag Cie, Manifest Justice, Adobe, Fashion mogul Tonny Sorenson and several art communities around the country and throughout the world.

Recent press coverage has included CNN, The Huffington Post, and Extra TV, to name a few.

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