Navigating With(out) Instruments - the workshop

traci kato-kiriyama
traci kato-kiriyama workshop
Tue, Nov 14, 12:00 PM
MCC Lounge


our processes require creativity

our creativity leans on curiosity, courage, experimentation

our creative experimentation asks us to trust the process


Enter into this writing workshop space, open and curious, and join in a two-hour collective experience with author, theatre deviser, multidisciplinary artist, organizer, traci kato-kiriyama (they+she / tkk).


traci will give a brief intro of their work, including theatrical and literary practices alongside a long journey of art+community organizing and solidarity work. tkk will take us through themes of their book, Navigating With(out) Instruments, and make space for folks to build poems for storytelling and writing - all oriented to each participant’s own “Table of Contents” (an exercise that will carry into our writing processes well beyond the day of the workshop). 


They’ll invite you to take risks and be open about your process, but you’ll never be forced to share aloud. It’ll be a challenging, yet nurturing entry point into writing again, continuing to write, or to writing anew - all are welcome.


Themes include:  

1. intersectional solidarity work; radical love; community organizing, and

2. mental/spiritual/emotional wellness; collective care.


Let’s take a collective, transformational DIVE!

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