Events By Quarter

JSJLS Community Projects: Trauma-Informed Weekend Artist Residency
Claudia Qi
Artists will be able to apply for a spot within a two day artist residency to take place in the Multicultural Center during mid Spring Quarter. Each day will begin in the morning and close out by the afternoon, giving artists the space to work independently on their own projects and/or participate in a guided workshop aimed to support creative healing through somatic art therapy. Open to all UCSB students, prioritizing students who have experience with post-traumatic stress, interpersonal abuse, domestic violence, and grief. Limited supplies can be requested per needs, but artists are encouraged to bring any crafts or tools they’d like.
Each spring quarter, the Jackson Social Justice Legacy Scholarship (JSJLS) program culminates with each intern developing their own Community Engagement Project (CEP). Through their individual CEPs, Jackson Interns apply the tools and skills they acquired throughout the program into their own individual projects, which are shaped by their own interests in community care and coalition-building. These CEPs aim to not only uplift, restore, and empower their communities, but also forge meaningful connections between the UCSB student body and the broader off-campus community. The events will occur during the weeks 4-10 at various locations. Check back with the MCC for updates.

Cup of Culture
Yellow Rose
MCC Theater
In rural Texas, a Filipino teen longs to make her mark on the world of country music. When an unexpected opportunity comes her way, she must make a choice between upholding her family's traditions or leaving them all behind to pursue her lifelong aspiration.

Let's Talk Microaggressions
Phuong Nguyen and Annika Sanchez
MCC Lounge
Join the CAPS Mental Health Peers in tackling the topic of microaggressions during a workshop where attendees will learn the different types of microaggressions and the implications they have on mental health, especially as they intersect with other identities. This shared space will empower students and those with marginalized identities in navigating uncomfortable and harmful situations that involve microaggressions.
Phuong Nguyen, Mental Health Peer. UCSB Counseling and Psychological Services
Annika Sanchez, Mental Health Peer, UCSB Counseling and Psychological Services
For more information or assistance in accommodating people of varying abilities, contact the MultiCultural Center at 805-893-8411. Wheelchair access for in-person attendees.

Open Mic
Leah aka DJ Blacula
MCC Lounge
The MCC hosts a quarterly open mic for all to artistically express themselves using any creative outlet including spoken word, poetry, music, and dance. All are welcome to attend and participate! This quarter, the MCC’s Open Mic will be hosted by Leah aka Dj Blacula! Dj Blacula is a natural selector picking tunes from all genres and eras of music to curate a mood!